Sunday, July 31, 2011

RanDom Me...

Recently i like to use paint program for drawing something popped out from my mind at that moment. Now, my drawing shows is regarding on myself. Lets start with the Mr. sunny, where it related with my chinese name.. But in the truth i'm not really as shine as the sun... so it bring some dark characters on my drawing which show me sometime i'm a pessimistic, ermm.. maybe most of the time but i tend to be strong of being beaten up by the bad characters... Well, i'm quite a "act cool" person which i not that friendly towards someone that i not really know or people i tend not to know them.. so this made people felt that i'm abit "icy"... hehehe... Okie, what about the flowers in painting? For me it shows, the hope for the life whenever met up with the bad/dark times.. so whenever how dark is it, still will be hope for tomorrow...

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Moody moody~~

damnn it.. today the mood really bad!! This morning i have a meeting with top management, by there i get to know why today our company meeting divided into two session.. I was in the early session where the employees there can get the confirmation for the job.. while another half session was held after lunch, which the meeting was regarding on "disposed" them from the company.. at that time the environment was gloomy even my top management felt bad for them but cant help up... although my relation with colleagues is quite ok so when i heard this news, i got shocked, unbelievable and fed up.. as i don't know when is my turn of getting "dispose" just like them.. ouchh... this company gave alot of uncertainty and insecurity for me.. hope the luck will change good towards us...
and i believe it will...

looks greyish but there will be a hope...

Thursday, July 21, 2011

华语 ^^


ermm... 此刻的心情,很懊恼,紧张和无奈应为这一张BLOG。。呵呵。。

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Just mE

once in my childhood time i wish to be doctor, lawyer and blah blah blah ..haha... all these can be change from time to time.. This was because i'm addicted to drama since young. So it eventually influenced my childhood wish to be... ANd then now neither i a lawyer nor a doctor... haha... so what am i doing right now? aahhaa  .. good question! yeah.. i just an ordinary white collar lady which everyday working hard to earn some income to pay debts, insurance and for personal expenses... so by this time, i wish to win a lottery or get higher pay salary which can ease my 'selfish' usage .. ahhem..but when got higher pay the more demand on our life, by that time wish again to have higher salary... owh..nature of human life..demand demand and demand... never stop of demanding..

Tuesday, July 5, 2011


Well, now is for my bloggie time... haha..although still addicted to manga but i still manage a time for my blog...
What's to share here? as recently my update was almost regarding on the manga reading for sure i won't sharing out here... ok just share a forward msg frm my cousin, as the text is quite meaningful for me but some points seem difficult to do it... hehe

1. 遇到你真心爱的人时,要努力争取和他相处下去,因为当他离去时,一切都来不及了。
2. 遇到可信的朋友时,要好好和他相处,因为在人的一生中,可遇到知己真的不易。
3. 遇到人生中的贵人时,要记得好好感激,因为他是你人生中的转折点。
4. 遇到曾经爱过的人,记得微笑向他感激,因为他是让你更懂爱的人。
5. 遇到曾经恨过的人时,要微笑向他打招呼,因为他让你更加坚强。
6. 遇到曾经背叛你的人时,跟他好好聊一聊,因为若不是他今天你不会懂这世界。
7. 遇到曾经偷偷喜欢的人时,要祝他幸福唷!因为你喜欢他时,不是希望他幸福快乐吗?
8. 遇到匆匆离开你人生中时,要谢谢他走过你的人生,因为他是你精采回忆的一部分。
9. 遇到曾经和你有误会的人时,要趁现在解清误会,因为你可能只有这一次机会解释清楚。
10. 遇到现在和相伴一生的人要白分白感谢他爱你,因为你们现在都得到幸福和真爱。

P.S ~ How many ppl can do like above?