Monday, April 25, 2011

First JoB TravellinG

well, well, well... officially i departed from my home around 7.20am and my 1st station is to Pejabat Pelajaran Daerah Larut, Matang and Selama at Taiping.. The met with officer was not fruitful as he didn't allow us to visit school as we do not have written official letter from state Ministry of education. So me and my partner just sat in the KFC waiting for the ans frm my boss for the next step...wahhh... this make my schedule been postpone terribly... Then next my station is to PPD Kerian at parit buntar.. ok, my met with the officer consider half success but still not allow to visit school untill get letter from company.. BUT tomorrow start can visit the school of Kerian area as the letter have been faxed to the officer and he too alrd provided the letter for me to enter school.. So at last i end up of just visiting officer of both PPD where the schools were not...

morning when departed from my house
reached taiping city
KFC-ing while waiting the call from my boss
my lunch.. bread with penut jam, pork floss and cheese ^^
curi snap at PPD Kerian
P.S~ was it my problem as other colleagues were allowed to visit the schools?  =(

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